Friction. Bottlenecks. Plateaus. Softening. These words describe an executive’s most frustrating issue - tolerating inconsistency. Something that appears to be only a small flaw, unnoticed at an earlier stage, becomes a monumental barrier as one rises toward greater responsibility and visibility. The challenges are subtle and elusive. LTR’s counseling process builds trust empowering clients to leverage their human capital to gain the most significant ROI on the financial capital investment. Our Human Performance model conditions leaders to expose reality and act on it by applying tools and strategies through The Prosperity Trait® and its skills. The most important leadership responsibility is to deliver commitments through people. It starts with adopting a growth-oriented mindset where leaders confront issues, paving the way for growth, innovation, transformation, and consistent performance. Through Coaching, LTR’s clients bridge the gap between intention and action. Tell me more about Coaching
Case Studies

The Candidate
The board of a middle-market engineering consulting firm charged the outgoing CEO with identifying three internal and three external candidates for a consequential CEO succession plan. One of the candidates selected LTR to help navigate the CEO succession process to lead the company he worked for his entire career. However, this candidate faced uphill challenges. The CHRO was not in favor of his candidacy, nor was the majority of the board — the very people who were making the decision. And for good reason. Behavioral analyses revealed significant shortcomings in the candidate's leadership abilities confirming their beliefs. Instead of perceiving the results as a negative, the candidate viewed them as a roadmap for career development. He converted those shortcomings into strengths — some in real-time in front of the board — and was selected as the CEO. The board made the right choice. The Candidate as the CEO then grew the company by over 25% in a relatively mature market while expanding the brand from a national firm to a multinational company with offices across North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim.
“We initiated a comprehensive CEO Succession Process and selected three internal candidates and three external candidates to participate. Through our internal evaluation of candidate needs, we identified several areas of improvement and the need for executive transition. One of the candidates selected Dr. Stephen Long to help him transition to the CEO level. By the end of the succession process, we recognized improvement in three areas. First, where this person previously demonstrated a consistent pattern of setting the bar too low, he now establishes appropriate higher performance expectations and has improved in holding people accountable to those expectations. Second, prior to the succession process, this candidate took too much time to make a decision and was too flexible. He now makes decisions in a timely manner and adheres to decision-making premises. Third, many people inside and outside our organization weren’t convinced this candidate conveyed the 'Executive Presence' to be the next CEO. Today, he demonstrates an improved stature as a leader. This candidate has recently been named our next CEO and we’re confident in our company’s future. With Steve’s help, this candidate improved his leadership skills in those key areas and is better prepared to lead our organization to continued success.”Gerry Solantai — Outgoing CEO, current CEO, Verdantas

The Firm
An executive search firm was performing adequately, but the CEO believed the firm was missing out on market opportunities. He assumed helping the lowest 10% of his producers improve their performance would significantly impact the firm’s revenue. LTR provided coaching services to overcome the slumps for those low producers. With that in hand, the CEO then asked LTR to work with the highest 10% of the production force. The results were significant as the firm set monthly, quarterly, and yearly revenue records.
"We originally brought in Dr. Long to improve the performance of several of our people who were at one point high producers, but for one reason or another regressed to the bottom of the organization. They all responded very well to Steve's coaching and quickly got back on track. Once that cycle was completed we asked Steve to coach our highest producers. The results exceeded any of our expectations. Our firm set monthly, quarterly, and yearly revenue records! We put our firm's most valuable resources into Steve's hands and we could not have made a better decision. Steve taught us that it's a lot easier to pull the mean than to push it.”Ray Bedingfield, CEO - Retired, The Woodmoor Group

The Acquisition
A senior executive signed a three-year contract upon the acquisition of his company. However, revenue decreased for 18 months, with only six months remaining before his contract expired. The CEO wanted to retain The Acquisition due to his intellectual capital but could not justify his contract to the board. The company asked LTR to improve his performance through coaching. The results of The Prosperity Trait Index© and other behavioral analyses revealed significant deficiencies. Through coaching, The Acquisition improved his performance, enabling the CEO to offer him an additional contract where he was promoted, allowing him to leverage his intellectual capital fully.
“Most successful people gain a healthy level of confidence as we advance through our careers. We become more comfortable with our subject matter knowledge and our decisions. Success breeds confidence, however having the 'right confidence' complemented by our personal attributes is very important. Over the past year, I have worked with Dr. Steve Long through a process of discovery. I learned to have a better handle toward pressures, and my reactions to various conditions, and manage the relationships comprising of vast personalities that exist in the business world. I admit that my initial reaction to coaching was 'I don’t have time in my schedule. I really am doing fine. This is not a good use of our company money.' My expectations for improving performance were minimal. However, the results have been wonderful. Through my coaching experience with Steve, I now understand my weaknesses and how to compensate for them. I also better understand my strengths, the strengths of others, and how to develop win-win relationships for top performance. I have always been a hard worker, yet now my productivity has dramatically increased. The results are great for me and my firm. Thanks, Steve!”Richard McCain, Vice President, Corporate Real Estate, Kleinfelder

The Founder
Launching a startup is hard work, but a nonprofit is almost impossible. Especially when The Founder is an immigrant graduate student in America, and the nonprofit is based in Cambodia. The Founder was raised by his single mother, who encouraged him to sit outside a monastery to listen in on the classes taught by the monks. His love of learning brought him to America, where he studied at a prestigious university. He wanted to give back to his country by providing educational tools and opportunities to Cambodian children. After several attempts, The Founder couldn't secure the funding to launch his nonprofit. A learning plan was devised to help The Founder launch through the Prosperity Trait Index© results. Within six months, he secured funding and moved back to Cambodia, where he grew his nonprofit to over 120 volunteers providing books, backpacks, notepads, and pens, and built schoolhouses where there used to be grass huts. The Founder believes education is the path to freedom and prosperity. Cambodian government officials learned of the achievements of this young man and asked him to launch two other enterprises, including a television show and a marketing agency.
“I could not have done what I have accomplished without you, Steve. Not only Steve is a great consultant, but he's also an amazing coach. Just about one year after Steve coached me, I am able to do a lot more than I could ever imagine.”Thomith Chin, CEO - iDEN Agency, Founder - International Youth for Better World, Host and Creator - The Thomith Show