Bespoke Research
Long Training+Research delivers bespoke research and custom case studies for leading organizations and business leaders. Our unique blend of applied research methods, academic rigor, empirical analysis, practical insights, and straightforward writing creates compelling material to deliver fresh insights. Using a battery of valid psychological inventories, LTR’s proprietary analyses accurately measure leaders' primary behavioral competencies identifying hidden costs that provide a pathway to increased revenue. While foundational to all other leadership competencies, the core competency centers on one's ability to affect change and execute strategy turning uncertainty into calculable risk. Our instruments - including The Prosperity Trait Index© - are well-constructed psychometric assessments that meet or exceed the guidelines of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the International Test Commission (ITC), and the American Psychological Association (APA). LTR’s behavioral analyses serve as educational tools to develop learning plans that enhance individual and group performance. Three research options are available: •Management Assessment •Organizational Research •Behavioral Analyses Tell me more about Bespoke Research

Behavioral Analyses
The Prosperity Trait Index Report©
This analysis measures the trait responsible for value creation, revealing the hidden costs of inconsistent strategy execution. Respondents receive their overall PTi score along with Driving Forces and Points of Friction, identifying their capability to develop their inherent potential.
The PTi Leadership Report©
Most behavioral tools are not designed to reveal the effects of individual psychological traits on others. The PTi Leadership Report provides insights into the effects of beliefs, unconventional wisdom, and behaviors on people up, down, across, and outside an organization. Like a virus, organizational initiatives are compromised when ineffective traits are inadvertently transferred within an organization.
The Leadership Execution Analysis©
The Leadership Execution Analysis generates results for eight components of strategy execution. Managers who master these skills deliver commitments and adapt to change effectively.
The Executive Presence Report©
The Executive Presence Report© reveals managerial tendencies. Leaders with a strong degree of Executive Presence balance two critical dimensions: time and focus. Leaders who successfully balance these two critical dimensions consistently deliver results, execute strategy, drive change, and build effective cultures.
The Organizational Health Evaluation©
Leadership dictates culture, which drives execution. The Organizational Health Evaluation© measures managerial capability for the three primary areas of organizational health - leadership, culture, and execution.